Which Butter is Best?

BUTTER!  Everything’s better with butter!  (Butter is butter, right? WRONG! We used to think that, until Jill made her own butter.)

homemade butter

But what if you could always have the best butter?  This is the taste test that started it all!  We wanted to see how Jill’s homemade butter stood up against store-bought butter… and which store-bought butter was best.  And while the winners weren’t too surprising, the runner’s up were more surprising.  

As always, we make sure our tests are blind, and each panelist is free to judge based on texture, taste, etc.  Then we rank them, combine the results, and the lowest score wins!

Bowl of butter

So we weren’t just eating plain butter, we all had little chunks of the exact same, warm, homemade bread to spread our butter on.  That alone would be amazing, but when you looked upon our Lazy Susan of 7 bowls of butter to choose from, it was sublime! (Sorry no photos of this, as we didn’t realize we’d be making a website at this time) Then the fun began.

butter taste test images
So much butter!!

We will say right off the bat, not one of the butters would be bad if you didn’t have the other butters right next to each other.  I mean… it’s butter. But once you get in and really start digging around, you can really tell a big difference.

Best Butter Taste Test Results!

There weren’t any spreads, just butter only.  The winning ones did seem to favor being smoother than the others, but you can really tell a difference in taste on these too.  So here’s the over all results, and then some commentary:

7 – Darigold

6 – Homemade (unsalted)

5 – Lucerne (unsalted)

4 – Great Value

3 – Challenge

2 – Kerry Gold

And the winner is…

1 – Finlandia

Finlandia butter
Winner Winner! Butter Dinner!

I know right?! Great Value!! Finlandia and Kerry Gold are not surprising, as everyone loves those. But Great Value is almost half the price! So if you want a deal on butter.  That’s the way to go! Personally, my number 2 ended up as number 1 and vise versa.  To me, they are almost equally as good. So if one’s on sale, go ahead and get that one this time.

This has really changed our buying habits.  Now we have Kerry Gold or Finlandia to put on top of something (bread, biscuit, potato, etc.), but then use Challenge or Great Value to use in baking.

Amazingly, one of our panelists could tell that Kerry Gold was from grass fed cows!  She said “You can really taste the grass on this one.” And she was right! We have the best panelists!

Enjoy your butter!

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