Nitro Pepsi Review

Nitrogen-infused drinks have been around for a while in beer, coffee, tea, etc. It’s used to give a rich, smooth texture, and a thick, foamy head. But this is the first nitrogen-infused cola ever! So I just knew I had to have a Nitro Pepsi Review. Is it just a gimmick, or does it really change the cola?

Nitro Pepsi Review
Can it beat the original?

Pepsi has been around since 1898, and while they’ve made variations and different flavors, that original formula lives on. So is it better? Find out below in the 20th video of our 52 video series!

Nitro Pepsi Review Video Transcript:

Welcome back! I’m gonna try out a new product. it’s called Nitro Pepsi. So nitro… it has nitrogen infused cola. Says smaller bubbles, smoother taste. It’s the same thing that like Guinness puts how they carbonate their drink. So this is called a “draft” cola. there’s ingredients [instructions] on how to pour this. It’s pour hard and drink easy. So you chill the can, which I’ve done. Pour hard, and it’s literally showing straight up and down. Like you know you don’t tilt the glass, and then admire and enjoy. So let’s see here…

Okay… uh… I did not shake this. So it’s a lot fizzier than it is [normally]. Yeah, is that interesting girl? …okay….

That’ll be my first taste of it. That’s, it’s good. Okay, so let’s see here. Please don’t explode on me. Okay but it wasn’t poured the way, you know my first taste wasn’t poured the way it should. So it says pour hard. So I’m going to do that and just straight up and down well that doesn’t work you need some air.

It sounds… that’s a good sound. All right…

Now that’s a good like, there’s a good head on it. It looks like “draft,” if you will. I also have a normal Pepsi here that I’m going to pour like I would normally pour with the glass tilted so it doesn’t create as much of a head. Oh interesting.

It kind of almost made a big head, but it doesn’t stay. It’s not staying. It fuzzes/fizzes away a lot quicker. So I’ll try that (regular Pepsi) last. All right, maybe get a good mustache.

Taking the First Sip

Oh… that is much smoother. Wow!

I guess I’ll compare it to the regular Coke or Pepsi.

Can you stay back? So it said they’re smaller bubbles. They are right. It is so much smoother. I didn’t… I never had a problem with the bubbles before. At least that I knew… know… knew. Yeah, at least I knew. Yeah, I’m a fan!

Do you always have to pour it into a glass? Like that’s what’s great about cans, is that you can just drink straight from the can. So I don’t know. Let me know, do you guys know with nitrogen-infused stuff do you need to pour it into a can [glass]? If not I think this has a future in it, or for it. Because it is so much smoother. So much nicer. Very interesting. Yeah, I’m a fan! Two thumbs up! We’ll do that two thumbs up. I think it’s better than normal Pepsi. So cool, hopefully we’ll start seeing it more places or in restaurants or whatever.

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