About Us

Welcome to The Food Showdown! 

Have you ever stared at all the options in the grocery store, wondering what to get?  “Wow, the generic is cheap, but will it be any good?” “Is the premium worth that extra $2?”  “…Never heard of that brand before.”

Long grocery aisle showing lots of options
So… many… options

So did we.

While those questions were always in our minds, we never did anything about it till we made our own butter. Yes, it all started with butter. Jill (the amazing wife in our duo) made homemade butter one day, and we were blown away by how good it was. But was it actually good, or did we just like it because she made it?

Chunks of butter
mmm… butter

And then… OMG! There are a lot of types of butter to choose from at the store.  And the prices are drastically different. Is there really that much of a difference between all these different kinds?

Well we decided to find out. 

We bought a bunch of types of butter, threw in the homemade kind, invited a bunch of our friends over, and had a blind taste test!  You can read about those results here.  Including a very surprising runner-up!

Everyone agreed: This is so enlightening, surprising, and fun!  Oh, and we could hold taste tests with everything: peanut butter, ice cream, potato chips, marinara sauce, beef jerky…

And so, The Food Showdown was born! Join us on this journey of discovery.  And soon, you can even play along with your very own taste tests!