We got a puppy!

Who doesn’t love a cute puppy? We sure do! And we just got a new puppy that we wanted to share with you! This is Orbit, and you probably saw her in the background in an earlier video. But now you get to officially meet her!

Introducing our puppy
So Cute!

Don’t worry, we are still making food related content. And to prove that, I eat some of her dog food. You can see how that went in the most recent of our videos, from our 52 video series:

We got a Puppy video transcript:

Introducing… this little mush! This is Orbit. She’s a border collie mix, about four months old. And she loves to fetch, and she loves food. Which brings me to my next point. You’re probably saying, “Wait a minute, this isn’t a dog channel. This is a food channel.” Well you are correct. So I’m going to eat some of her dog food. We’ll give her some first. Sit. Good girl, yes. So this is Iam’s puppy chow if you care. um yeah, we’ll just let you eat it instead of me, yeah? Here we go. I got, you know, a few here, I think that’s gonna be plenty. I remember eating a dog biscuit as a kid. Don’t remember quite what it tastes like, other than just being dry.

It’s hard. Yeah I’m eating it, huh? OH!

Okay… um I mean it’s okay? No, it’s not. It’s not okay.

It’s just the driest thing you’ve ever had and…

Maybe a chicken flavor, maybe. I don’t know if… it’s Iam’s puppy. I don’t know if it’s chicken or not. It tastes like yeah I had a really dry chicken… hard… uh I don’t know how to describe it. Like a hard gristle piece of chicken and it’s not good at all. But hey, enjoy… she’ll make a few appearances in a few videos. And we’ll be keeping it food themed. But I bet you’ll see [her again]. Who doesn’t love a cute little puppy? All right, thanks for watching! I’ll see you next video!

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