Does Sprite and Coke taste like Ginger Ale?
You’re being bamboozled! The wool is being pulled over your eyes! Conspiracy theorists everywhere: ALERT! It’s possible you’re being served Sprite with Coke instead of Ginger Ale! Because “Big Restaurant” thinks Sprite with Coke taste like Ginger Ale! Alert!

Ok, maybe that’s a bit over-dramatic. But apparently if a restaurant doesn’t have or runs out of Ginger Ale, they’ll serve Sprite with a Splash of Coke. They make it look similar, and never get any complaints. I didn’t think that was possible, so I put it to the test in video 3/52! Think you could tell the difference? Do you think this has ever happened to you?
Sprite and Coke taste like Ginger Ale Video Transcript:
So something has gone a little viral in the food industry: where apparently if you go to a restaurant, and you order a ginger ale and they don’t have a Ginger Ale, they will give you a Sprite with a splash of Coke. Because it looks similar. To me, I said, “Those are two drastically different flavors. That can’t be true.” So I’m gonna test it. I went to a different room. My wife poured me a glass of Ginger Ale, and a glass of Sprite with a splash of Coke to make it look the same. So she’s bringing it to me here. Thank you. So I will say… that yeah, I can’t tell the difference between these two just looking at it. This, number one (see there’s a nice doggy number one) is more bubbly that’s the only real difference I can tell.
I would say [number] one smells like it would be the Sprite. And two would be the Ginger Ale. That’s what I’m gonna say. All right…
Oh that’s gotta be the Sprite.
Hahaha, well…
No I’m pretty sure I’m gonna stick with it that [number] one is Sprite.
But man, if just served in a restaurant, I actually don’t know if I would… I wouldn’t… maybe wouldn’t question it.
(Off screen: You’re right)
I’m right?!? Yay! So one’s the Sprite. Two is the Ginger Ale. Okay. So I’m right. I could tell the difference right next to each other. But… in a restaurant, I would be… it would be hard for me to tell. (Off screen: If you’re expecting Ginger Ale, you feel like you’ve gotten Ginger Ale.) Yeah, if I was expecting Ginger Ale I would say, yes that, “Oh I was just served Ginger Ale.” Wow! That’s amazing! All right, there you have it. Thanks for watching!
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