New Skittles Gummies Review

As you’ve probably gathered from our other videos, we like to taste test new foods… well all foods for that matter. So when the Skittles Gummies came out, we knew we had to review them. And we are glad we did: might have just found a new favorite candy. (Update at the end: Comparing to regular Skittles!)

Skittles Gummies

They just came out in November, and are currently only available at Walmart, until May. We bring you all the breaking news… from the candy world!

Check out the video below to see what we thought:

Skittles Gummies Review Video Transcript:

Hey everyone; new gummies! So if you saw my first video, video number one, has the starburst gummies. Very cool change on the Starburst. Well now, it’s Skittles! Skittles Gummies. I like skittles. A fun game to play if you’re driving somewhere, is to see if you can guess the color. Er… put them in without looking at them, see if you can guess the color. You have to have someone hand them to you. Whoa! They’re big! They’re, they’re like…

giant Skittles… but gummies. I always like to taste the rainbow and just chuck them in. So I’m going to make sure I get like one of every flavor here, and we’ll just… we’ll see.

They uh…

Okay. They take a second for the flavor to kick in.


I like these gummies more than the Starburst Gummies I think. Because the Starburst Gummies were like powdery gummy if you will, But these are like gummy bear kind of kind of gummies. And they are spot on! Tastes just like regular skittles but soft. Oh I might have to do a follow-up video with actual skittles to see which one I like better. But it’s nice because it’s just soft. I don’t know, I like gummies. I’d say you could probably debate between, if you don’t like gummies go with a regular Skittles. If you do like gummies, go with these. These are great they’re just like the normal skittles. It’s really cool! Yeah I like them. All right, thanks for watching, think about subscribing if you haven’t already. See you in the next video.

Update: Regular Skittles vs Skittles Gummies

As you saw in the video above, I didn’t think to compare them to the regular Skittles. Well here’s a short video doing just that, in order to answer the age-old question: Are Skittles Gummies better than the original? (Sorry you’ll have to click the link above, as Youtube Shorts are currently unable to be embedded.)

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