Half Birthday Cake

This isn’t a taste test. This isn’t going to give you results of the best brands out there. But it will talk about one of the best foods out there: CAKE. Specifically birthday cake. And we love birthday cake! Problem is you only have one birthday each year, or every four years for those poor souls born on February 29th.

But we have hacked the system.

cake next to a computer with code on it

We celebrate half birthdays, with half of a birthday cake. Which means double the cake intake in a year. (Because we obviously don’t stop having cake on our real birthdays.) And no one is complaining about that! It’s such a fun tradition. We heartily recommend you try it.

Don’t worry, we’re not throwing out half a cake, just for this tradition.

If you want to give it a try, we have what is quite possibly the easiest recipe to follow, ever. So we accompanied it with lots of pictures! Making it even easier!

cake with no icing
First, make a cake
half cake with no icing
Cut it in half
half cake iced
Frost that half
We made frosting with our favorite peanut butter
birthday cake with only the center iced
Flip the other half on top
finished birthday cake
Frost everywhere
…And don’t forget the sprinkles!
birthday cake cut into

I remember seeing this idea from Elise Blaha many years ago. So credit where credit is due! Thanks Elise, for sparking this wonderful tradition in our family.

From one cake lover to another – have more cake in your life, create fun memories, and celebrate someone’s half birthday. A very happy unbirthday to you!

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