Dollar Store vs Name Brand: Candy

Ever need to load up on candy for a party or road trip? But you’re not sure which is better? Dollar Store vs Name Brand candy? You’re in luck!

Dollar store vs name brand
Can they beat the name brand?

Our latest taste test was pinning the Dollar Store‘s candy up against the Name brand. And the Dollar Store had some upsets. Watch the next video in our 52 video series below to find out who beat who!

Dollar Store vs Name Brand Candy Video Transcript

Welcome to another episode of Dollar Store vs Name Brand: Candy Edition.

Green Apple Ropes

This time, we are going to start with some… what are essentially Twizzlers, but they’re sour apple. I feel like apple is the most important part of this. So these are sweet tarts I’ve never seen these before. Are they new? Sweet Tart Ropes? No they’ve been out for a while. Okay Sweet Tart Ropes. I mean they’re trying to look like Twizzlers. I don’t know what the white is supposed to be in the middle. The inside of the Apple? Spoiler I’ve eaten some of these; I love them.


I’ll just take these. That one feels like I just bit into a Twizzlers. But green apple! But green yeah, texture, everything. And the flavors green. The flavor is green? They’re fresh. You really taste the green? Yeah I mean before eating this, that’s great. I can’t taste anything… oh there it is.. meh. Those are good.

I like those. It took a while for a flavor to hit. I agree the flavor hit, it took a long time for the dollar store to hit. But these are so yummy. Most chewy things do, like gummy bears and things. I always feel the flavor takes a second. The dollar store was 25 cents an ounce and the Sweet Tarts was 28 cents. There are not super drastic differences as you’ll see as we move along.

Gummy Worms

All right, so, moving along: Gummy Worms! Albanese versus the dollar store. These are the best, if you haven’t had these…. Yeah if you haven’t had Albanese gummy bears or gummy anything… Maybe I’m about to say if you haven’t had the Yummy Guru. If you haven’t had the Yummy Guru maybe you’re missing out.

You have to find like a similar [flavor]. You got an orange one. I don’t think I have that many… I’m pretty sure I don’t have that many flavor options here. I have three flavor options. What I appreciate about this one, this is like a childhood, multi-color, the texture, like that’s good. Oh yeah this is like classic, yeah. That’s like we’re getting a little more adult and grown-up with them. It’s got a smiley face on it. These are so good, there’s so many flavors.


Do you know what you just had? Do you know what flavor it is? No. Do you ever when you eat gummy worms though? Those [Albanese], yes! Those flavors are so intense and awesome… But actually, I don’t know what I just had. Haha

Those are great. The texture is great on them. The flavors… are… huge tracks of land. I don’t know what I just ate. I think that was maybe green apple and this side has to be grape, because it’s purple. Those are good and soft, Albanese, yes! These are soft but a little bit more of a hard chewy, but I’d say something… There is something nostalgic. I agree. Like this is like childhood. What is that?

The flavor is the nostalgia part? Like honestly these are great but these are not bad. OH! Look at all those flavors! Six! Watermelon, green apple, strawberry, pineapple, tangerine… I had tangerine… and blue raspberry. I had watermelon and I enjoyed it. Honestly, these are great too. And they’re 21 cents an ounce versus 29 cents. Ok. Try the Albanese if you haven’t before because they’re great.

Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels

All right, Dove Chocolate. Interesting fact, we went to college in the town that made Dove… not this Dove though. you know, different manufacturers make different things. Dark chocolate sea salt caramel, caramel, however you want to say it. Dark chocolate sea salt and caramel. This [Dollar Store] is Sanders Small Batch Wonders. Small Batch Wonders… but do they have nice sayings? No they don’t. Also these are not individually wrapped. And you can see the big chunks of salt. This [Dove] doesn’t. I kind of appreciate the big chunks of salt. Be fearlessly authentic. Aww, What does mine say? Don’t stop until you’re proud! Thanks Lauren N from Colorado!


That was good the caramel was soft not very salty. No not much salt. This, see that big chunk of salt? Big chunk of salt, yeah. Oh! I it’s a hard caramel. Harder. Caramel? Caramel? Three different ways. Whatever. Hmm, wow!

I like the salt. I like the salt on that one [Dollar Store] a lot, but I don’t like anything else. Yeah, the smoother caramel of the Dove is much better. Mm-hmm and the chocolate feels like it has a little… a little bit more going on. But honestly if you were to… like if I were to just eat this without knowing it’s from the dollar store, I would never guess. They did well. Yeah they’re… it’s a small batch wonder. Small Batch Wonder. Okay now I was gonna have us go mint next but now I realize that we should finish with those. Okay.

Sour Gummy Worms

Sour gummy worm. Troll… Trolli… How do you say it? I don’t know. Because I always said Troll-y but then I… Trolley is how I’ve heard some people say it. Oh no, it has to be Troll-y. Yeah. Also when I opened it, I said “they’re so small!” But they’re minis, so… Oh you got the mini ones. That’s why. I couldn’t find the regular. So just eat two. I could only find the regular size if I was gonna get like a bag this BIG. I’m gonna do two of the same flavor. Okay, I have what I assume is the same flavor… what’s this coastal… what’s that brand? All right, that’s Coastal Bay!

Also did I say it’s the dollar for the chocolates? Oh I don’t think you did. The price! It is 50 cents for the dollar store per ounce and Dove was 63 cents per ounce. And now for the sour [worms], so I feel this is off a lot, 21 cents for the dollar store per ounce, 29 cents for the name brand. But there’s such a small container, that I feel like you… yeah. Well I’ve got green and orange for both, so I can compare. So this is the name brand..


Oh no, that’s the dollar store. The big ones. Yeah. I’m doing pink red and blue

But uh…

I sometimes like sour and sometimes despise sour. Is now a not? Yeah, I mean after you have chocolate it’s just not as enjoyable. That’s true. The salted chocolate to sour is uh… Oh these are so much softer… the name brand. Oh wow, yeah. Much better… texture. But the flavor is so similar. Yeah honestly, I don’t, I don’t notice a difference in flavor. And if you’re a child…

What are you trying to say? You just, you know, you can give them the dollar store brand. Yeah… I think the flavor is great if you like softer go with the Trolli… trolley? And if not, yeah dollar store is great. But they are still sour.


Okay these last ones make me laugh. Coastal Bay again! Yeah I tried to get different brands from the dollar store but, Coastal Bay. But it’s hilarious, they can’t… I don’t think they can put the cut out because the life, I bet there’s something with like branding. Lifesaver has the hole. And [Coastal Bay] can’t have the hole because that’s not a lifesaver. That’s just a floatation device. What does this say? No, it does say lifesavers because this says wintergreen on it. I thought lifesavers had had wintergreen on it. Oh they call it Wint-o-green.

Also smell it. Oh it’s so intense. I’ve had to store these in like a separate wrapped up bag because it’s just so intense. I don’t think you’re going to notice a difference on this one. So here’s the thing. when I eat these. You always feel like ‘oh I’m going to suck on it and let the flavors go’… and then your self-control can never keep and you just chew it anyway. So I’m just gonna chew it.


Yeah, okay. All right, dollar store first. Are you gonna put them both in… Oh you’re… oh golly gee. I’m chewing it. Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna chew it. I’m just gonna taste. Then what are you gonna do with it? Put it… there. Oh okay.

What do you do first? Dollar store? Yeah.

So aside from the fact that there’s no hole in this… Does the hole add something? Or you’ll find out. I guess I’ll find out. I can’t tell. It’s a mint, that’s really intense in the flavor department.

I mean I can’t tell you the last time I had a… These are like, oh what are the… what are those breath savers that come in a little roll my grandmother used to have them all the time and she’d like dole out one at a time where they’re like that big. Werther’s Original, hahaha. NO! That’s not mint. What are those called? oh you have to look it up and like link it or something. Honestly, I’m liking the dollar store better. Why? I like the mint flavor better, I think. So these are 25 cents per ounce for the dollar store, 35 cents for Lifesavers. Yeah and as I chewed it the texture stayed better on the dollar store. I like the dollar store more. Hmm. Hmmm. Well… Yeah. Hmm.


Our camera just uh, just stopped. So we’re restarting here. The debate we were having on the Lifesavers. That the hole in the middle; you said it’s because it looks like a life preserver that you throw out. Yeah. And I said no, it was named because they put the hole in the middle because if a child swallowed it and it got stuck, they could still breathe through the hole and that was the thing. And you said no. No I don’t know if that’s… I said you need to fact check. Yeah and I say let me know in the comments because I think I’m right. Because, this is one of those obscure facts that I know about…

And then you said that lollipops have straws?!? Some lollipops are straw and I always thought that was for the breathing situation. Or the lollipops that have like the little… the um… the like holder at the bottom. And I remember someone saying like, oh if the kid falls it won’t like go, you know, the like, the part that you hold on to isn’t just gonna like jam into their throat but instead it’s gonna collapse. Okay… um I don’t think the lollipop, like that isn’t, it doesn’t get stuck in your, I mean it would get stuck in your throat if you swallowed it… I mean, I think it’s still a concern!


It’s not gonna obstruct the breathing. I’m not sure any of these, I don’t think that that’s gonna really obstruct your breathing either. If that get… if you crack it and then a kid is gonna choke. They could choke on that. No they’d have just swallowed it whole.

Dollar Store vs Name Brand Candy Summary

Anyhow let me tell you, these are the best. These are the best these. What’s your favorite? Oh, out of all these things? Yes. Um… probably the gummy worms. Both brands. I liked they were both a different experience. What was your least favorite? Least favorite… I didn’t like the sour situation, but it’s funny because these are sour apples.

We’ve done snacks and desserts from the dollar store versus name brand, excuse me, and the uh dollar store was not as good on most of them. Yeah I mean… But these. Sugar. Yeah, that’s true. It’s really hard to mess up sugar and chocolate, huh? No, the chocolate you can tell some differences, I think, in the chocolate.

But anyhow, the dollar store may be worth, the value may be worth it. Haha, the price might be worth it. The price might be worth it? You might actually get value out of the dollar store snacks. Oh yeah, the gummies were good, the mints, like I said I prefer the [dollar store] mints. Yep. If you’re going on a road trip, and you have been gifted twenty dollars to spend towards food. Go to the dollar store. You should go to the dollar store for your candy. And then you can play the game where you have to guess what the flavor is. Yeah that’s a classic game. Good game.

Okay, thanks for watching Dollar Store vs Name Brand: Candy. Please think about subscribing. We’ll see you in the next video. Bye. BYEEEE

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