Category: Pantry

All of the taste tests on foods that belong in your pantry. To see all of our taste test, you can always click on “The Showdowns” in the top menu, or click here.

raspberries in yogurt

Which Yogurt is Best?

Why have a yogurt taste test? Well our family loves yogurt. And while we usually eat some sort of flavored yogurt, a few months ago we gave some plain yogurt to our kids, and...

Cheddar Cheese hunks

Which Cheddar Cheese is Best?

Cheese! A food so good that you can put it on almost any other food and it makes that food better! Don’t believe me? My multiple lactose intolerant friends who won’t stop eating cheese...

Peanut butter in a spoon on a jar

Which Peanut Butter is Best?

IT’S PEANUT BUTTER TASTE TEST TIME! (If you don’t get that reference, please click here… Sorry, no baseball bat.)   There is probably some research on this but our guess is that peanut butter is...