Oreos with Sour Cream and Mayo?

Oreos! They are delicious! They are milk’s favorite cookie. And America’s favorite cookie! And now Sour Cream’s favorite cookie? Or Mayonnaise’s favorite cookie? Really… Oreos with Sour Cream and Mayo?

oreos, are they good with sour cream and mayo?
Can anything beat dipping these in milk?

Well people are posting on the internet that dipping Oreos in Sour Cream or Mayo is their favorite flavor combination. Is it actually delicious? Let’s get to the bottom of it! Here’s Video Number 4!

Oreos with Sour Cream and Mayo Video Transcript

Hey everyone! Have you heard about this? People on the internet have lost their minds. Because they are dipping their oreos in get this… sour cream and mayonnaise. Like…


And here’s the kicker: They’re claiming the sour cream is the best flavor combination they’ve ever had, in their lives. So, let’s try it. I’m gonna start with the mayonnaise. I don’t want to get the oreo juices in my mayonnaise. Crumbs, not juices. haha. All right.

Double Stuf Oreos. Best ones out there, right? Tell me in the comments. What’s your favorite Oreo? Okay, got a good amount of, good amount of mayonnaise here. I don’t want to do it.




Okay, at first you take a bite into it and just smacks you with mayonnaise. And you’re like no. But as the flavors mix, I can see there’s a little bit of the tangy of the mayonnaise being mixed with the sweet and creamy. I know mayonnaise is creamy too, but it’s not something I would go… Well, milk’s still better.

But yeah, not something I would go for again and again. All right, best flavor combination in people’s lives: sour cream…

and Oreos.

Bottoms up?

It’s better than the mayonnaise. I’m gonna try it again.

I’m going to take a smaller bite, smaller amount. It wasn’t bad…

Chocolate and peanut butter: much better flavor combination. That’s my, in my opinion the best combination of any two foods. But…

Second Try?


Nope. Second bite: no. So there’s, again the sourness of the sour cream, that hits you first like the mayonnaise did.

And then it just tastes like something’s wrong with the Oreos. Like Oreos are good enough on their own. Right? Like, they’re great!

Yeah just on its own, it’s better. It’s better without it. As I thought it would be. And they’re amazing with milk so just keep with the milk people. All right thanks for watching!

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